Subscription Box Basics
Have a subscription box idea, but not sure where to start? You are in the right place! Subscription Box Basics is a podcast for new and aspiring subscription box entrepreneurs. Hosts Julie Ball and Renae Gonzalez have been in the sub box game since 2016, shipping over 65,000 Sparkle Hustle Grow boxes equating to nearly $2.5 million in sales before selling the business for multiple six figures. Over the years, we've helped hundreds get their box idea off the ground and it's our passion to empower other women to build a business they love. ♡ https://www.subscriptionboxbasics.com
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Subscription Box Basics
Dream up an ✨Amazing 2023✨ with Renae
Getting a clear vision of what you want your future to look like can be so impactful when doing towards your goals. If you don’t know where you are going, how are you supposed to know how to get there and how do you even know when you’ve arrived
Your Marketing Coach Renae is rolling solo today on the mic to share how you can manifest or dream up your future using vision boards, a fun exercise that she has done for decades to help her build an amazing life. This can be as practical or as “woo” as you want it to be. The fact is, both Renae AND Julie have seen this work in their own lives - both in work and personal lives.
Her challenge to you: Visualize what your dream subscription box business will look like in 2023!
Some people love the idea of a starting with a blank slate, but it can really be overwhelming to others. If you’d like some vision board resources to get you started, DM Renae on our Instagram @subscriptionboxbasics or simply use these templates on Canva: https://www.canva.com/templates/s/vision-board/
Welcome to Subscription Box Basics, the podcast. I am Renae Gonzalez, your marketing coach here at Subscription Box Basics, and this week I am taking over the mic. Solo. It is just me chatting with you about something that I practice in my business and I do on the regular, and I am here to encourage you to do the same. We are talking about vision boards this week, and before you're like, okay, Renae, Already, this episode is too out there for me, too woo. I'm not gonna create a vision board. Hear me out. I encourage you to stick around, listen to what I got to say, and hopefully I will enlighten you a little bit by the end of the episode if you're unfamiliar with vision boards, and hopefully I'll even inspire you to take action and create your own vision. If you are thinking, what the heck is a vision board? What are you even talking about? For the sake of this podcast episode, we are calling a vision board. Anything that you create that has a vision of your, what you would like your future to look like. It could be goals, it could. Pictures of what you want your life to look like in the future, and we'll get more into that. It could be solid numbers, like for your subscription box, if you wanted to have a hundred subscribers, it could be the word or the picture. Of a hundred, the 1 0 0 for symbolizing a hundred subscribers. So a vision board is something that you create. That has visual pictures and it could have quotes, it could have things that you find online or cut out a magazines or printout, but something that you put all in one place. That could be a Canva. Stock. That could be a poster board, that could be a cork board in your office, but all of your visions of your future are all together in one place, and it is something that you look at and see regularly, and that is the key that we will get into in a little bit. But for the sake of this podcast episode I'm saying there's no rules besides that. It's something that you visually look at that is a reminder of your goals, and you're probably curious why we are talking about that. Why are we taking a whole episode to talk about creating a vision board? And the answer to that question is it works and it is something that I have done. Year after year in my adult life, even started it back in college and some form of goal setting when I was even younger than that. It is something my family does. It is something my children do, my two daughters do. They are a competitive gymnast and a softball player, and. At the beginning of every season, we sit down and they create vision boards. We like to use little posters and cut out pictures and things out of magazines, but it is something that you can do time and time again. And there are no rules and it is something that I am very passionate about and something that I hope you will start to incorporate as we move into the new year. Cuz if you are. Listening to this episode live, it is December, 2022, and we are ending this year, and we are approaching the year of 2023. I can't even believe that, but there is no better time than the present to really take time and reflect on what has worked for you and look ahead. And see what you would like your future to look like. One way to do this is to create a vision board if you are listening to this live. We'll jump more into this at the end too. But if you are listening to this live, I am going to strongly encourage you to take action while I am talking for the next. Few minutes really start to put yourself in your shoes of your future self. What would you like your. Sell your future to look like one year from today. And like I already said, there are no rules to creating a vision board, but we're gonna say that the vision board we will be creating as we talk through this altogether will be for the year of 2023. One year. But if that feels overwhelming for, that. You can break it down in the next six months or the next quarter. It can be related to your business, or it could be just related to personal goals or family goals, or it could be a combination. There is no wrong way to do this. Whatever goals you really want to. Come to life and really be there and be something that you think about every day. That's what I want you to think about right now, and. We're just gonna use the whole year as an example while we're talking through this. And if you are not listening to this episode live, or if you are hearing, going back and listening to this episode when you need to revamp your goals or you feel like you're in a little slump and you need motivation to really get your mind right about what you are working towards. This is a. Great episode to listen to whenever and really start from scratch and really see where you're at and where you wanna go, and how you will devise a plan to get there. Because whether you are a dreamer and you like to think big and you have all these grand ideas for your future and your business, and. Big, lofty goals you wanna hit, or you're a thinker and you really have a plan in place, but sometimes you're a little gun shy on taking action. Vision board is a fantastic thing for however your brain works, because it really helps you get organized and puts things again down on paper. Then gives you a visualization for moving towards your goals. Where do you wanna be one year from today? I would encourage you to grab a pen and paper or open up a journal and really start to just go for it and just write what? What does that look like for you? Are you living somewhere else? Are you. Working somewhere else. If you're currently building your box alone and at home, do you have a fulfillment center that you work with or do you have a team that helps pack with you? Do you have someone that you outsource your social too, or are you moving into a role that is more working? in your, on your business instead of in your business, do you have someone that you delegate things to? Are you vacationing with your family? Has, does your family? Moved or made any life changes one year from today? What does that ideal life look like for you? And really take time. You're gonna write those things down. It could just be words, it could be an actual journal entry that you write to yourself and you can say, dear December. 2023 self or one year from today? I will and just start to. And really think what if, what if you had a hundred subscribers or had a thousand subscribers or had someone fulfilling your boxes for you? What would that look like and what would happen for you day to day and week? To week because that first brainstorming step and really thinking about what you want your vision board or your future board to look like is really the whole reason that we do this. You can. Slap things down on a piece of paper. But if you are not really moving towards your goals, then it's, it does you no good. If you just slap up a million dollars and you're really not thinking a year from today, you want to have a million dollars, like you wouldn't turn it down. But if that's really not the goal that you're moving towards, that really shouldn't be something that you put on your vision board. Ultimately what this is a visual cue of your goals that will give you a reminder of why you're working day in and day out as hard as you are because you want these goals and these this vision to become a reality. So step number one is really write down what you want your future and your future vision to look like. After you have that all done, like I said, This step is up to you. I personally use little bigger than eight and a half by 11. It's probably more 18 by 24 inches I would say. Poster board paper. We actually keep it in my office, like a pack of 10. I buy them at a time because like I said, We make a family vision board. I make a vision board every year. My girls make a vision board every year. If there is something that we're working towards in a set amount of time, like for my children, that's a, that's their actual sports season. Or for me it might be if I start a new project or really get some extra motivation around something that I want to move a little faster than in the year. Then we'll sit down and we'll create a vision board, and what I like to do is we keep a bunch of old magazines on hand and we, the old fashioned way, just cut out pictures after we know what we're moving towards in our visions, we'll cut out pictures that represent. That vision. For our family, for example the year before last, we were big campers. We had a little travel trailer, but we wanted a bigger one. So that was something that we put on our vision board, and then that was something that eventually became a reality too. You look for pictures or you print out pictures that represent your end goal, and you're able to then put them on your vision board. It doesn't have to be huge. Definitely a normal size paper, eight and a half by 11 works perfect. You can frame that, you can put that right near your desk or in your closet as you're getting ready every day. In years past, I have used cork boards too, with little push pins, and that's a great way to do it because that's typically, you have some form of that in your office or where you sit down, or you can put it up on the wall space if you have. Just a few goals that you're working towards and you wanna slap up pictures right on your mirror in the morning when you get ready. So you see that every day. There are no rules to how big or how small this is. It just has to be something that you can actually see and something that you put somewhere. And you're able to see it every single day because that is the next step. Once you have created your vision board, you have to. Really just eat, sleep, breathe these goals. You created this because that is the life that you are working towards creating. So put it somewhere that you can see every single day, and I already gave some examples of that. Right next to your bed or your nightstand. In a frame is a great idea. I keep mine in my office. Typically, we keep our family one. We've done it a couple different places. The latest being in like the coat closet when you open your coats to get out. We have our family vision board there. My girls both have. They share a room. They both have like their own little nightstands in their own corner of their room, and they keep their own personal vision boards there too. You want this to be somewhere when you sit down every single day or you wake up every single day, you get a reminder of what you're working towards and it lights a little fire in your soul to take one step towards making that happen. And that is why. Whether it is business goals or personal goals that you put on this board, it does not matter to me as long as it does not matter to you because you want this to be something that fires you up and motivates you to work harder every single day. You've created your board. You have it on display somewhere that you can see every single day, and. Next, it's time to get obsessed. It's time to get obsessed with those goals and really break'em down even further so you can make them a reality, and I will let you in on a goal or a vision that I am working towards. I absolutely love to travel and I've been a lot of fantastic places, but I have never been to Paris, France, and up until. Like the fir. I'm 37, just turned 37. The first 35, 36 years of my life. Paris was always a place I wanted to go, but this last year, It's really became somewhere, I saw a picture of the Eiffel Tower and I've seen a picture of the Eiffel Tower a million times, but this one time it just looked magical. It was. I saw it and I was like, you know what, I gotta go to Paris. I gotta see the Eiffel Tower. I literally, I text my husband and I was like, we're gonna go to Paris. And my husband knows, Very well now after we've been married almost 13 years, and he knows if I say something to the point where I'm saying, I'm gonna go, it's probably gonna happen because I get a little obsessive. Maybe some may say too obsessive. That was probably a month or two ago, started talking about it. Then we found out one of our favorite singers, one of our favorite artists, is going to be in Paris on our anniversary weekend. And then that was the icing on the cake. I'm like, oh we're going to Paris on our anniversary weekend. I put it on my vision board. So it's top of mind every day, but it doesn't stop there. I downloaded the babble app and started to learn French, and I am working on my French. I started to research and really break down what do flights cost? How much is a hotel? Is it actually feasible? If we go to a concert there, would we be able to see other stuff if we were only there for a couple days? Really breaking. The how-tos of this one specific vision and this one specific goal. I've been, I have a Peloton, I've been walking on my Peloton to the just Walk. I have the treadmill and I will put it on the Paris scenic route when I'm walking. Really taking it to the next level. Some may say crazy, go on. A little obsessive. But if you are working towards something and you want it to happen, even if it's a goofy go to Paris goal, or if. A business, tangible hit so many subscribers. Goal. If you're at 10 subscribers now and by the end of the year you wanna be at a hundred, you can't just put it out there in the world. You actually have to say okay, what does this look like? Now if I want a hundred subscribers, that means I need to get 90 more, and that would. I need about eight a month. That would mean I need about two every week. And now what can I do to get two subscribers a week? Because if you break it down like that, like two subscribers a week, feels a little more tangible and a little more realistic and doable than than trying to get 90 subscribers. That just is whoa I'm struggling to even get a few. I don't even think I can do that. But if you really break it down even more and you. That means I reach out to people that are my target audience. I reach out to 10 of them a day through social media and I'm, and I really make that one-on-one connection with them. And then it might be easier to then slowly convert two people to subscribers than if you're just trying to find it. 90 subscribers. Whether it is a business goal or my Paris goal of traveling somewhere. And that's the same thing. You really have to break it down step by step. Like one of the things is our passports. We both have passports, but they're both expired cuz we haven't left the country in a couple years. Really doing the work to see, okay, like how long does it take for passports to get renewed? Will they get renewed in time? Hopefully in our anniversaries in March, stay tuned. If it doesn't happen in March, it's gonna happen in 2023. The passports our little hangup right now. having those visions and really putting it out into the world and. Putting it somewhere that you can see, and people know that is your goal, so they help keep you accountable, is really what a vision board is. It sounds, woo, it sounds oh, you think you can just slap things up on a piece of paper and make them come true? And that's not what I'm saying and that is not the point of this episode. It is really to have you sit and reflect and see where you want to go in one year from today or X amount of time, and then really make that your goal for the new year. Put that down and have it be something that you can see and remind yourself every single day that this is what you are working toward. If you are making this business related, slap your why on there or did you start this business to be able to create a life for your family? Put a picture of your family on your vision board, because that is why I know for myself, when you're an entrepreneur, a lot of the times you think. You start your business to create this life for yourself and your family that is better than where you currently are. But sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle and the bustle of all the things that you really forget your why, and you forget why you started in the first place. So slap your family, slap your partner, slap a house, whatever it is, up on that board. Because you want to remind yourself that is why you started. That is why you're working so hard. That is why sometimes you feel like you're just like on a hamster wheel, not going anywhere, but if you see what your future vision is that you are working towards, it might give you a little motivation to really break it down and do the work to get one step closer every single day towards that dream life of. That is my little spiel on why you should create a vision board. And now I am going to challenge you to actually do the work. Don't just listen to this episode and think, okay, I'm gonna create a vision board, or, okay, this is what I want my life to look like. And then stop right there. Actually do the work. Grab the magazines, print out the pictures create, go to Canva and just type in on the pictures they already have in there. Just type in some of those key words and key visions that you want in your life one year from today, and get a vision board created. I am going to challenge you to either send it through a dm. To our Instagram at subscription box basics or post it and put it out into the world and tag us and really claim that you are, this is your vision for your future and those are the goals that you are working towards. It is scary sometimes to tell others what your future, what you want your future to look like, but if you do it and put it out into the. Myself and Julie are here to help keep you accountable and whoever you tell will be there to keep you accountable too. I am going to give you a challenge within the next two weeks./I challenge you to create some sort of vision board. And put it somewhere where you can see it every single day, and then tag us or send us your vision boards on your dms so I can see that you created it and I can. Help keep you accountable too, and we can all work towards creating our vision of our life in the next year. I hope you enjoyed this episode. I absolutely love talking about vision boards and talking about goals for your future. If you have any questions at all or need any resources, cuz I have some resources that I can send over, just shoot me a DM at our Instagram. Again, it's at subscription box basics and Julie will be back next week with me and we will chat with you then. Have a great rest of your day. Bye.