There's so much happening over the next few months (and beyond) so we wanted to take a moment to share #allthethings so you can save the dates!
- May 17-18: Julie is presenting at the Ultimate Product Party in Nashville, TN
- May 18-22: Subscription Box Bootcamp enrollment open with a $300 discount
- May 31-June 2: Julie and Renae will be at Sub Summit in Dallas, TX (Hosting a scavenger hunt, live podcasting, and presenting a panel on buying/selling a box business)
- Box besties applications are open at, new cohort starts Aug 1
- July 20th at 1pm eastern: FREE live webinar with Susie Moore: Overnight Rockstar: Get noticed, skyrocket your reputation and attract new clients by being your own publicist (Register in early July)
- Oct 2-4: Box Besties Retreat in Fort Lauderdale, FL (details coming soon)
There's so much happening over the next few months (and beyond) so we wanted to take a moment to share #allthethings so you can save the dates!
- May 17-18: Julie is presenting at the Ultimate Product Party in Nashville, TN
- May 18-22: Subscription Box Bootcamp enrollment open with a $300 discount
- May 31-June 2: Julie and Renae will be at Sub Summit in Dallas, TX (Hosting a scavenger hunt, live podcasting, and presenting a panel on buying/selling a box business)
- Box besties applications are open at, new cohort starts Aug 1
- July 20th at 1pm eastern: FREE live webinar with Susie Moore: Overnight Rockstar: Get noticed, skyrocket your reputation and attract new clients by being your own publicist (Register in early July)
- Oct 2-4: Box Besties Retreat in Fort Lauderdale, FL (details coming soon)
So you wanna launch a subscription box and don't know where to start? Girl, you are in the right place. I'm Julie Ball. And I'm Renee Gonzalez, your host here at Subscription Box Basics, a podcast for new and aspiring subscription box entrepreneurs wanting to avoid overwhelm. So grab a coffee, some pen and paper, and let's have some fun. Hey everybody. Welcome back to Subscription Box Basics. Renee and I are here today and we are doing kind of this like calendar sync because it's right before the summer and we want to make sure you don't miss out on anything. I know summers can get really busy with summer camps with kids or vacations or whatever, so we usually do a recap with things, so we're calling this one a precap, right? Renee? There is so much good stuff coming up. We were chatting about it amongst ourselves and we're like, , we need an episode about this. Yeah. In May alone we'll talk about it, but in May alone, we have so much to look forward to and we wanted to share all for you guys too, so you know what to look forward to for the next couple months.. Let's just kick it off with what's going on in May. So I'm going to an event May 17th and 18th. It's called the Ultimate Product Party. It's in Nashville. Ugh. I love Nashville. And we used to go to Christie Wright's business boutique every year in Nashville. So I'd get like my annual Nashville Fix, but she doesn't do that event anymore. And so when the girls announced. That u p Ultimate product party is gonna be in Nashville. I was super pumped. It's only about a five, five and a half hour drive from me, so my family's actually going too, and they're going to explore Nashville while I'm at this event. I. And so what I love about this event, it's so jam-packed with lots of fun things outside of just presentations. There's gonna be activities and mixers Alison and Kat who run this ultimate product party are just, they are off the chain like so much energy. They're all about bringing amazing people into the room and empowering each other. To build their businesses. I'm gonna be a breakout workshop leader, and I'm gonna be teaching all these product-based business owners how to either add a subscription box to their product-based business or get featured in subscription boxes. So two ways to use subscription boxes to grow your product-based business. I'm super pumped to be going to that event, and I can't believe it as we're recording this. It's, Less than two weeks away. You are leaving soon., and I love that your family's coming with you too. I feel like when you travel for work no matter what you're going for, it's hard leaving your family. So to be able to bring them along sometimes helps mix it up. And they are gonna get to have some fun time too. While you're helping other business owners, they're gonna get to create some memories to last forever too. Exactly. Last year when we were in Orlando for Sub Summit, my family drove down from Asheville and they drove down to Orlando and we ended up spending, I think, what, like three or four days together after Sub Summit. It was so fun. They were really happy to be a part of it. They met the sub summit team and and that's a perfect segue into the next event in May, Renee, we're gonna be at that one together. We are going to sub summit 2023. Day one is May 31st, it goes until June 2nd. We have been planning for months and months together and months with the sub summit team and there is going to be so much fun that happens while we're there. Should we tell them some of the things that we'll be doing? Most definitely. So one of them being the duration of the whole event. We have partnered up with the sub summit team and we are hosting a Scavenger Hunt. So this is going to be so much fun., if you are going to sub summit, you will find out so many details of it, but pretty much it's gamifying. Sub summit gamifying the event and really some suggestions on where to be and when. And there'll be prizes and prizes. Some of you prize so much fun. Yeah, so essentially you're gonna have this sort of like game card and you can go to different places to get it stamped or do certain activities to cross it off and. When you finalize your game card, you can submit it to win these grand prizes and we're pretty pumped about that. And another thing that we're gonna be doing is to kind of take that whole gamification concept is we're gonna be doing a live podcast at Sub Summit in Dallas. And so hopefully, if you are gonna be at Sub Summit, make sure you come to our live podcast. We are gonna be talking about gamification for your subscription box business. There's some real easy ways you can do that. It keeps your customers engaged, it's really good for retention and so we're gonna be doing that as a live podcast. And then you and I, Renee plus Carol from Sparkle Hustle Grow the new chief Sparkler will be doing a panel all about selling the subscription box or buying a subscription box like the whole journey. I cannot wait. I get to be moderator on that one. I've worked with you both together and separate. I cannot wait for all three of us to share the stage together. So that will also be something to look forward to. And if you're going to sub summit, make sure to look that up so you can listen to the panel live and be there. In the audience and hear both Carol's side and Julie's side. And then get to hear me as the, middle man a little bit on our journey as Julie's. Transitioned out of Sparkle Hustle, grow, and Carol took over. Yeah, I'm pumped for that. And of course, excited for Cube Awards every year. We love the Cube Awards, but we've done full podcast episodes about Sub Summit, so we're gonna move on. That was, you know, we just talked about May, so we've got two events in May, ultimate Product Party and Sub Summit, but we're also gonna be opening subscription Box bootcamp at a discount. You'll be able to save.$300 on your enrollment mark the date. May 18th through the 22nd. We'll be sending plenty of emails about it so you won't miss out. Make sure that you're on our email list. But again, mark the date for May 18th through the 22nd where bootcamp will be open for $300 off. And this is the perfect time to enroll in Subscription Box Bootcamp because if you start working on your business now if, you haven't launched already, Typically, most of our students are gonna take probably two, mostly three months to get their box business set up to build their wait list and, all the moving parts behind the scenes. You'll be ready when there's that increased demand over the holidays. So this really is a good time to join bootcamp. If you've been thinking about it, you can DM us or chat with us on the website if you have any questions about it. But save the date. And if you haven't watched yet, Julie, we should tell them or remind them a little bit about the free training you just put out into the world too. Yeah. So if you, while you're anticipating that May 18th opening, go to subscription box and go check out the free training that Julie did. It's absolutely amazing. It is about an hour long and it is the perfect thing to watch and really. See if you are ready to pull the trigger. And, the answer is yes, you are ready. If you have an idea, just like Julie said take action on it because you don't want to be at this point next year and being like, oh, all that missed revenue, . I should have just, should have took the leap. So again, dms go check out that slash launch on our website and go watch that free training as well. And the other thing that's open right now is our box besties program. So we just finished up a cohort not long ago, and if you haven't heard about box besties, it's our small group mastermind. We had our bait around earlier this year, and then we just did a recap episode. So if you wanna hear what went down, all the progress that was made, go listen to the box besties recap. But if this is something that you are interested in, joining, this is for you. If you're already launched, if you are kind of struggling to get to that next milestone in your business and you just need. Support in your business, cuz we know as subscription box entrepreneurs, a lot of us start this business by ourselves and it can be really lonely. And so this is the perfect program to not only get training, but also to get that support that you've been craving. You don't have to do this alone anymore, so those applications are open. You can check out all the details about the program and submit your application at All right, so we are moving through the summer. Should we tell them about who, you called in? We're, having someone come in for some fun. Wanna tell them about that? Oh my fun. We're so pumped about this. You wanna also mark your calendar. This is one of those like mark your calendar, save the date episodes. We'll put all of the dates in the show notes too in case you miss anything. But mark your calendar for July 20th.
At 1:00 PM Eastern, we called in our friend Susie Moore, who is a life coach but is well known for being a publicity and PR expert. She's been featured in places business Insider,, Sparkles. Noel Grow, sparkle Grow. Exactly. She knows. How to get the media and pr, not just any media and pr, but ones that are actually gonna move the needle in your business that are gonna make the biggest difference. And she is doing this awesome live webinar for us and for you, our audience. And so we hope that you join us. It's completely free. You're gonna walk away feeling amazing. The webinar is called Overnight Rockstar. Get noticed, skyrocket your reputation and attract new clients by being your own publicist. I've been through this webinar before and it was amazing. As soon as it was over, I emailed Susie. I was like, we have got to do this for our audience. They're gonna love it. It's gonna make such an impact because if you've followed for any length of time, when I was running Sparkle Hustle Grill, we got a lot of media and we, proactively chased it. But it made a big difference in the business namely, the first time we got featured in Forbes was holiday time. I think it was 2018 or 2019. I'd have to look back, but it tripled our gift box sales after that feature went through. And it was just like mind blowing. And so Susie's gonna come in and she's gonna teach us her magic. And I have to tell you, Renee, You already know this, but of six years of running Sparkle, hustle, grow, Susie was my all time favorite. Guest expert. She was so fun. That's exactly what I was gonna say , if you don't know who Susie Moore is up until now from July 20th, take the time to go hunter down on social media. She has such an energy to her , and she was definitely up there on my top guest experts that we've had. For Sparkle Hustle grow still to this day. She always brought the energy, always lit a fire within me after I heard her talk. I'm like, yes, I've gotta go do that. I wanna take action. So she will light a fire within you. She is a brilliant at whatever she's speaking about. So I know this webinar, I have not sat through it and I cannot wait to do it yet. I know it's going to be absolutely amazing. So go. Check out Susie Moore. Follow her on social media if you don't already. And get ready for July 20th when the webinar is hosted. Yep. We'll be sending out an email with a sign-in link so that you can register for it. But when you were saying Go Hunter down, we'll make sure to put all her social media links in there so you can get to know her. But she also has two amazing bestselling books. One was stop Checking your Likes, and two was, let it be easy. And if that doesn't resonate with you, let it be easy. Come on. So I'm really pumped about that. And what shocked me the most was Susie when she was the guest expert. She is high level entrepreneur like she. Is in the room with some really famous people, really smart, brilliant people. Yet she took the time to show up for Sparkle Hustle, grow Live, to basically do an ask me anything with a champagne glass in her hand. I was like, you are my people. I was so pumped about that and I was just really grateful because every time I would ask a guest expert to join us, I never knew how much that they were, like how much heart they were gonna put into it. And Susie just blew me away. So mark your calendar for that. Like Renee said, July 20th, we'll be sending out an email to sign up for that very soon. Perfect. And last but not least, we have one more thing we have to talk about. It is in fall, so you have time, but you have to save the date for this because it is big and we only have limited spots, so, On October 2nd through fourth, we are hosting a box besties live retreat. We are hosting a retreat. Julie, tell 'em where it's at. Well, we are going to be East Coast. We're gonna be in Fort Lauderdale. We're not gonna disclose the all the information just yet because we're gonna do a whole episode on it. But you need to know October 2nd through the fourth in Fort Lauderdale. So go ahead and start like digging in, looking at flights and stuff. We're really excited about this. This is gonna be one of those retreats that. In true fashion to subscription box basics, it's gonna be work hard, play hard. We are going to have different planning sessions and we are going to have masterminding by the pool, but we're gonna also create some white space in there so that there's room for creativity and flow. It's not gonna be like a conference that is back to back to back speaker sessions. That's just not our jam. We, can go to events like that, but if we're gonna host an event, We wanna make sure that there's enough time for actual relationship building, for networking, for collaboration. We're gonna have some of our box besties there and we are going to have some limited spots, so keep your eyes peeled on that. We are gonna share the link to it. A s A P we're literally. Inking the contract today. After we record this podcast, I am gonna go sign the paperwork, so we'll be sharing more details soon. And if you are on the fence to be part of our next cohort for box besties, August 1st, a little nudge to have you do your application box besties. Cohort members get a ticket to this retreat, so if you are on the fence, you're box besties. Cohort membership includes a retreat . Ticket. So that might be the little nudge you need. Again, more details coming very, soon, but box besties cohorts both are spring, that already happened and fall. That will happen will have first choice or first spots. To first dibs. First dibs. That's the word I'm looking for. First dibs to have some of those retreat spots. And then after that we'll open it up to subscription box owners with limited spots available, and we would love to hang with you in person. I know, Julie, you're the same way. I feel like I am, especially. In tropical locations like Florida, so inspired when I get to be around creative people and have some downtime. I think there is such importance in having events like Sub Summit where you go and you're learning and with, panels and all the things, but there's also such importance in being in an environment where you can go ride bikes next to the beach and you can sit poolside and just really let your ideas flow. I think so many times over the past, over six years, you and I have come up with some of our best ideas, just like with a cocktail in our hand pool side. Yep. I think sometimes we don't give ourselves, as business owners, we don't give ourselves that dedicated time and space to like, Unwind and allow that creativity to come through because we are so busy in the day-to-day grind of running our box businesses. So I think that this is one of those times that you can carve out that. Dedicated time and space to get mentorship, to do networking, to find partners that you can collaborate with, and really that support system that you just don't get in your yoga pants at home, working by yourself. Let's be honest. Yeah. So stop working in your business and why not work on your business? When you're in Florida with us. So with us exactly the date. October 2nd through fourth. Yes. Okay, so we covered a lot. I'm not gonna recap it right now because you can head to the show notes and you're gonna see all the details as well as links. And when new information comes out, we'll update those links too. So like when we announce box bestie retreat when those tickets are available, we'll make sure that you guys all find out. But the best way to stay in the loop. Is going to be on our email list. So if you're not already on that email list, head over to the website, get on it, or just send us your email, DM it to us and we'll, put you on the list to make sure that you don't miss out on anything. So that's a lot like May, June, July, even through October. Oh my gosh, there's so much going on. I cannot wait. It's going to be we, always say it's gonna be the best year yet, but it, there's literally things on the calendar that are gonna make this the best year yet. So yeah, we cannot wait to see you hopefully in person at one or multiple events this year, and we can't wait to talk to you again on the next episode of Subscription Box Basics. We'll talk to you soon. Bye bye.